Support Life’s mission by joining Life Link One at the Northampton Colour Run on 22 July!
What’s a Colour Run?
It’s 5km (running, walking or dancing) of colourfulness with thousands of adults and children. All participants get an exclusive Fun Colour Rush T-shirt, bottle of water and Finisher’s Medal!
The organisers strongly advise adults wear sunglasses or eye protection; eye protection is required for children.
Who can come?
People of all ages are welcome. Under-5s can join for free but you need to book a place if you want them to get a Finisher’s Medal. If you raise £200 for Life we’ll buy your place for you!
Anything else?
Learn more:
Why run with us?
Money from the Colour Run will allow us to start a project to enable clients to access an accredited training programme in Life Skills which will set the foundations for a bright future.
I’m in!
Excellent news! Contact by 1 May to book a place for your and family members today!