Impact June 2020

Our mission is to create a just society that has the utmost respect for all human life from fertilisation. We live this out by providing positive alternatives to abortion through support for women and families and education for young people. Thanks for being a part of this.

Welcome to our impact page. Here you can discover how Life is making a difference by providing positive alternatives to abortion.

Pregnancy tests

Every month we support women as they face the possibility that they might be pregnant. By offering free pregnancy tests, we are accompanying women from the very first moment of their pregnancy journey.

Emotional help

Pregnancy Matters™ Online offers a skilled listening service by phone, text, email, or social media message. In June 2020, 442 clients reached out to us. Here's why they reached out to us.

Life Matters® outreach


Our Advocacy team gives talks in schools and educational settings across the UK, telling pupils why we believe in the dignity of every human person from the moment of fertilisation. Every June, on average, we speak to 1830 pupils in 24 schools. Unfortunately, we've not been able to do so in June 2020 because of COVID-19 lockdown.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our impact page! We’re passionate about supporting women, children and families and are delighted to share with you how we’re making a difference. With your help, we are providing positive alternatives to abortion and changing lives one woman, one baby at a time.

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All news and comment from Impact

Latest News and Comment from Impact June 2020

Help Life bounce back

Page last updated 13 November 2020. #1: Help Life Retail As the government lifts lockdown and lets shops open, our Retail stores need to hit the ground running and bring in income to Life. 1. Save your pre-loved items A dress, handbag, and necklace for £11? They could house a mum and baby for a... Read more »
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The difference we've made so far this year

This is the amount of people that we have helped so far in 2020. Hover over the chart to see the numbers.