Do any of these sound like you? If you have pregnancy, baby loss or abortion on your mind, talk to someone who's qualified to listen...
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Text, Call or Message and talk to the listeners on our free Helpline
about what’s going on for you or your pregnancy.
On this page:
You’re pregnant and don’t know what to do next …
You think you might be pregnant …
You or someone you know has had an abortion …
You’ve experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby loss …
You’ve received a pre-natal diagnosis …
Our online services, free helpline and text-to-talk service mean you can easily access the emotional and practical support you need. Counsellors and skilled listeners are on hand to provide you with a safe space for you to explore your situation and decide what’s best for you.
You’re pregnant and don’t know what to do next …
You’ve found out you’re pregnant but it’s unexpected, unplanned, even unwanted.
You may be feeling confused or upset, or you may be worried about how to tell your boyfriend, partner, husband or family that you’re pregnant.
You might be worried about your age, about your life circumstances or about how being pregnant could affect your plans, career, body or mind.
THERE IS TIME to work through your feelings and thoughts without pressure from outside influences or people. Every woman deserves the chance to explore her feelings when she gets news as big as this.
Whether you are considering abortion, concerned about how others will take the news or worried about managing another pregnancy when you’ve already got children or experienced grief or loss:
We are here, we are qualified, and we are ready to listen.
Whether you need a quick chat by text or a course of free, immediately available professional counselling, get in touch today.
You can talk to us however you want. Our service is completely free, confidential, and non-judgmental, whatever you’re feeling.
Get in touch now
You think you might be pregnant …
If you’re asking yourself “Am I pregnant?” you might be feeling like you’re in the middle of a whirlwind right now.
You’re period may be late, perhaps you’ve noticed changes to your body or maybe you had sex at the wrong time of the month or the contraception didn’t work.
There are lists of common signs and symptoms of pregnancy all over the internet, but remember, the best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test!
We can send you a free pregnancy test in the post, just click one of the buttons above to call, text or email us.
“How do I know if I’m pregnant?”
Let’s find out for sure! We can offer you support before, during and after the test if you want.
You don’t need to do this alone! Get in touch with our helpline to order a free pregnancy test today.
Let’s find out for sure. Contact us by text, call or message to request a pregnancy test.
You or someone you know has had an abortion…
Whenever it happened, whatever the reason, you deserve the time to talk and process the experience.
Feeling that you made the right decision about something like abortion doesn’t mean you don’t have any thoughts or feelings about it afterwards.
So many women (and men) experience abortions and simply don’t have the qualified, compassionate support that can help them move forward and thrive.
We are here to listen. We’ve seen and heard a lot. We have expertise in skilled listening and professional counselling around abortion. And we’d be very happy to hear from you.
Text, call or email message our helpline by clicking one of the buttons above.
You deserve all the space and support you need, even if you don’t know yet what that looks like.
Our service is completely free and confidential. We don’t judge or tell you what to do.
Click here to choose how to talk to us today.
You’ve experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby loss…
We are a member of the Baby Loss Alliance. Our free, fully accredited national helpline is experienced in working with families who have experienced any form of baby loss.
Whenever it happened, or if it’s a risk in a current pregnancy, we are here to listen to and support you.
Get in touch today to get the support you are looking for.
You can talk to us however you want. Whatever you’re feeling, we’re ready to listen.
Call, text or message here.
You’ve received a pre-natal diagnosis…
It can be hard when your medical professional tells you that your pregnancy is different.
You may be feeling a lot of confusing things and being given a lot of information and recommendations very quickly.
It’s overwhelming and emotional.
You may need to step aside from all the noise and emotion of the people around you for a few minutes and find clarity in your own thoughts, and support for your own feelings.
That’s what we’re here for. We have experience in coming alongside women and families coming to terms with an unexpected pre-natal diagnosis.
Whatever you want to say, whatever you need to let out and whatever support you need next, we can be that calm space for you to work out your next step.
If you need to step out and take some time to process and talk, get in touch here.
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