Life is amazing

Throughout my life, regardless of how old I was, a baby has always brought such joy, love and happiness. No matter if that baby was born into my family, on my TV screen as part of a soap or cradled up against their parent in a coffee shop. A baby to me really feels like a genuine gift and a life that is so precious.  This feeling drove me into working for Life.

In 2018 I was incredibly blessed to become pregnant with my first child. The whole pregnancy journey was like an extraordinary lesson, even though I knew and picked up aspects of how my child would grow and develop in my womb. To see it first-hand was one of the biggest and emotive eye openers.  

When I was six weeks pregnant, I had to go for an emergency scan. To see my little raspberry sized baby on the screen for the first time, brought it home to me how vital and important it is to share with people how utterly amazing life is within the womb. My sonographer at this stage told me about how my babies’ heart would be beating and pointed out the size and weight my baby would be roughly at this six-week point. 

When I left the scan room, I felt emotional not only because of having that special moment of seeing my child for the first time, but I couldn’t help but think of those women who perhaps feel afraid, vulnerable and possibly alone; who are pregnant with a baby roughly the same age as mine. These are the women Life exists to serve.

My pregnancy journey solidified my desire to return to work for Life at the end of my maternity leave. As a result of my pregnancy an even bigger flame was ignited in me to create a world where no one faces pregnancy or pregnancy loss alone.

Therefore, I am proud to work for life. To work for a charity that strives to support, care for and help people in what can be a truly difficult period for them. And to help them meet that difficult period so that they can flourish.

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